Polyatron (Inverse Dekatron) ― 2013/08/05 09:59
After J.Brit.IRE.Vol26,383(1963)
Advanced Model
J.IEE.Japan.86,72(1966/7,Translated Juornal)
検索の結果,ほかにも興味あるサイトがありました. ロシアでPolyatron A201が市販されていたこと,現在もPloyatron A201でNixie管を駆動して楽しんでいるグループがあることを知りました.
2013/08/21 追記
この記事を公開して数日して,計数管の歴史を研究している英国の研究者から連絡ありました. 何度かのメールのやり取りをしましたが,かなり本格的に昔の技術を調べているのに感心しました.
Generation of Homogeneous Discharge Plasmas at Atmospheric Pressure ― 2013/03/10 12:19
Required condition for generating homogeneous atmospheric plasmas in Dielectric Barrier Discharge is determined by the uniform distribution of electrons, which are charged up on the surface of dielectrics during the preceding discharge and play a role of the initial electrons as the seeds of following electron avalanche. We developed a new Barrier Discharge System Using Dielectrics with Uniformly-Distributed Metal Pieces Inside, which makes it possible to control the distribution of electrons charged up on the surface of dielectrics. The new DBD device was evolutionarily designed after the Capacity-Coupled Multi-Discharge, CCMD.
more The Paper of Technical Meeting on Plasma Science and Technology IEE Japan, PST-13-011,
SlidePropagation Speed of Streamer in Diode Discharge ― 2012/08/19 16:44
When the breakdown is just starting in gaseous diodes, the front of plasma column generated near the anode is quickly moving toward the cathode. We discuss the moving velocity of the plasma front (that is propagation speed of streamer). This text is partially revised the previous report “ An Estimation of Critical Electron Density at Just Starting Breakdown in Gases”
Sustaining Voltage for DC Diode Discharges ― 2010/10/01 13:36
Comprehensive discussion of the sustaining voltage for dc diode discharges with both cold- and hot- cathodes using the same conceptual model, which is based on the collisionless cathode sheath model and the plasma balance equations More
Theory of Cathode Fall in Normal Glow Discharge ― 2010/09/26 21:45
大分以前にこの現象に関する自己無撞着な説明を発表しておりますが,改めてそのまとめを STPIGのsite に掲載しました.興味ある方はご覧下さい.